Love when the clouds are in the mtns.
Bear Glacier
Bear Glacier
The hot Air Balloon is in the rigLOL..
Hyder, AK
Dolly Varden fish....our dinner!
The other side of town, where Hyder originally was. It was originally built on stilts, still visible.
This was a lovely drive, and we saw a black bear cub on the side of the road today. No picture again :((( Driving too fast, but it was adorable. I think my voice yelling at Al to tell him it was there, scared the cub more than the sound of the rig LOL.... The glaciers pictured below are of Bear Glacier. This time customs was on the Canadian side and not US, so we managed to keep our food :) The two towns of Stewart, BC and Hyder, AK are so close (2 miles), and really small towns, population 699 and 100 respectively. As you can see from the picture, the town (Hyder) is really small, and quite a few of the buildings are boarded up or closed. So sad...wondering what keeps people working here. We did see a lot of lumber mills so maybe they drive quite a ways to work. Al caught Dolly Varden, so that was our dinner tonight. After dinner drove to a spit where the town dock was. Again, beautiful scenery. Hoping to see sea otters or something, but nothing around. Maybe tomorrow night.