Monday, August 15, 2011

8-13-2011 I left Destruction Bay

Headed from Border City to Haines, AK.   Another banner day today.  Scenery was beautiful.  Rough road tho; not quite as bad as the road to Chicken,AK.  This was more like a washboard, lots and lots of frost heaves.  Driving along, we heard this crash and glass breaking.  My printer apparently came flying out of the cupboard in the bedroom and crashed to the floor.  Total wipeout!!!

Saw a black bear on the road.  He was afraid of us, and went up the side of the road about 15 feet.  Then he continued to walk parallel to the road, eating on his way.

8-12-2011 Valdez to Border City, AK

Travelled in and out of Canada today.  Bit of a problem with fuel today...due to fuel pump gauge.  If you remember, after the replacement of the fuel pump, the gauge was way way off.  So far, Al has done a great job keeping up with the mileage, etc. so we don't run out.  All of a sudden I hear Al say, we're gonna run out of fuel:(  We had thought we had enough to make it to Glennallen, but suddenly the gauge went really low.  Unhooked the car, I babysat the rig, Al drove looking for gas.  22 miles later, he found a station, but they didn't have a gas can.  A native in the store went home for her can and brought it back to Al  (people have been really helpful here in Alaska!!!! So great!).  The fuel in the can got us back to the station and we were able to fill up the main tank.  Proceeded on and stopped at Border City Campground about 3 miles from the Canadian border.

Bridal Viel Falls

More poles...if you enlarge the pix, you can see the difference between the vehicle and top of the poles.  Even with the poles to show me the way, don't think I'd want to be a snow plow driver here!!!

Glaciers galore on this trip, really beautiful.  Some of the black around the glaciers in the pictures are actual dirt covered glacier.  Sometimes hard to tell whether it's rock or glacier.

In the mid-bottom of this pix is a cabin tucked in the trees.  Again, enlarging the pix you really see it; however, it was the only home in the woods that we saw the whole day.

After an eventful day, this was really pretty.